Wednesday 16 October 2019


Industry Powerpoint's


  • Included most things nicely except Disney    
  • Add more info on distribution
  • Informative and interesting

Thursday 3 October 2019

Boyz N the Hood

Boys N the Hood
In this video the very first image we see is a road sign saying "stop". This idea of stopping could represent many different things, perhaps safety, the road sign could stop crashes or accidents. Perhaps this idea could be stopping violence or the threat of being hurt. This is combined with a lot of loud noises which could be for a confused effect, or a more realistic busy city audio. There is a diegetic sound of sirens from the very beginning which also connotes danger or if someone was hurt. 
In the scene where the children find the blood on the floor, they walk past a police line. This further shows the danger. Combined with the bullet holes in the walls and trash on the floor, we immediately get this idea of a dodgy back alley. 
One child is wearing typical, somewhat normal clothing, contrary to what most people think this kid would be wearing the counter type shows knitted jumper with jeans and trainers. This is contrasted with the other boy who wears stereotypical tracksuits and cap which has been twisted backwards. The knitted jumper and jeans shows a sort of posh look which is the opposite to what most people think they would wear. The tracksuit show a more relaxed attitude whilst the cap turned backward could connote a more rebellious tendency.   

Lastly, in the final scene the young boy walks past a bunch of men kicking and punching another man. His casual, slow walk shows that this sort of thing happens often, that seeing a violent fight between a group of people is a normal thing to see when walking down the road. Furthermore, the filler lighting gives the whole thing a more realistic feel, as if it is sort of old and rustic. Perhaps slightly more mediocre which would reflect the whole style of everything as they are in a dodgy neighborhood with simply stumbling across countless dodgy scenarios. Also, there seems to mostly be one camera angle throughout (eye level), however, there is one moment when there is a high, long shot above the children as they walk to the crime scene. This is used to show them as vulnerable and small as they walk to a dangerous place, perhaps foreshadowing a bad event. The camera pans from right to left to reveal to the audience the location, further showing a dangerous, dodgy street. This makes the audience worry for a group of children who are wondering around a dangerous area alone, the camera shots as well as the music plays on this fear.

Tuesday 1 October 2019









Stereotypes - visual short cuts, often repeated
Archetypes - ultimate stereotype, exaggerated
Counter type - challenges traditional stereotype

For this task we tried to find 3 stereotypical adverts and 1 counter typical advert. 

Coca Cola Advert
This is a counter type as the media portrays men as idealistically straight, the man in this advert fights over the girl to give the overly sexual, exaggerated pool boy a bottle of coke. This man is literally falling head over heals to meet another man which isn't often shown through the media. However, this could also be seen as a stereotype as at the beginning the gay man is seen in a more feminine pose, with the backs of his hands cupping his head. Perhaps this shows gay men as more feminine. 

Sexist Car Commercial
I find this advert sexist as it shows women as bad drivers when she parks on top of the hill, it further shows men as better drivers when the husband tells her she was wrong. The driver admits it however but decides to ignore him anyways, perhaps portraying women as wanting to be right always, thus, somewhat inferior to men. Lastly, the boy in the back of the car is dressed in football gear, despite not being a very strong message, this does show that young boys are typically into stronger, more reckless sports and dress accordingly.

Banned Alcohol Advert
This advert is heavily sexist as it shows the woman constantly complaining, showing how women never shut up and always find something to talk about. It then shows how the man unplugs the woman so he can get some peace and quiet, this further shows the man as more powerful as he literally folds his spouse into a role. Lastly, it shows two men at the end sitting down with alcohol, personally I find this sexist as it doesn't highlight the fact that women can drink too, but only emphasizes how beer is a male beverage.  

Homophobic Chevrolet Advert
Here, a man is seen singing which makes the other men increasingly uncomfortable as singing is often portrayed as a talent only for women. The advert then highlights this saying there is enough space in the vehicle to lean away from the singing man. Showing a sense of homophobia through the use of awkward facial expressions and the highlighted awkward fact through the narration. 


Music (parallel) - goes with the images  

Contrapuntal - doesn't go with the images

Diegetic - background sound (cars, sirens)

Off screen - sound that isn't shown on camera

Voice over - narration or thoughts


Dialogue - speech, how the person speaks

The Hunger Games

Here you can see examples of enhanced sound, from the cutting of the rope at the start to the heavy breathing. This creates tension as well as emotion, he heavy breathing connotes terror, as she hyperventilates at the sight of a small girl being shot. It also shows effective use of diegetic sound, the slight clatter of leaves before the older boy emerges from the bushes shows that something is coming. After Katniss saves Rue from the trap the audience are lulled into a false sense of security, which is complemented by the use of now sound. We are able to hear the enhanced sound of breathing and relief as Rue is released. 


Newspaper Revision