Friday 13 September 2019


Semiotics is the meanings of symbols, for example, red could be the colour of love or aggression. Two opposite ideas however they are both connotations of a simple colour. 

Here you a can see the same shape however they have completely different meanings. Before the tragic events of Wold War 2 this pattern was a Buddhist symbol of peace. This is a big example of semiotics as before the late 1920's this symbol meant peace, however, now this connotes so much violence. 

Film producers use this to their advantage when creating their posters to advertise the film.

Here this horror movie implies death through the use of broken glass which connotes danger or bad luck. The fact the glass is breaking on a girls screaming face shows pain as well as a literal broken face, signifying the danger through the distorted facial expressions. Across the top of the page is the sentence "rest in pieces". This could show the unforgiving nature of death, this harsh and quite rude statement highlights the fact that death doesn't care who you are or what you have done, which is a running theme in this franchise. The fact that you might've been a good person does not stop death from coming for you, which is further implied through the use of a girls face in the center of the page. Her sunken eyes and skeletal teeth somehow take away from the humanity of this girl, but the use of a girl connotes innocence or somewhat weakness. Furthermore, down the bottom of the right corner there is smoke or fog. The use of fog could signify the inability to see, which creates anxiety as you have lost one of your main senses. This is also shown by the use of a pitch black background, this further highlights the loss of a sense which creates even more anxiety,thus, creating a suspenseful atmosphere. On the other hand, the use of smoke connotes fire, this idea of fire creates further danger as fire can be a powerful unstoppable force. Lastly, the title has a shiny look to it. This could imply a blade or sharp metal object which further shows danger and therefore, death.    

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