Thursday 23 January 2020

Newspaper Assessment

Newspaper Assessment
Grade: B
Marks: 31/50
Question 1: 11/15
The very first thing to do is to determine C.L.I.F.T and all the newspaper conventions. Daily Mail doesn't usually use hard news on their front page = not a typical mid market tabloid convention.
Broadsheets on the other hand mainly consist of hard news.
I need to make sure to use C.U.P.P.T.U.N.E which will help me understand why they used this story on the front page.

Question 2: 9/10
Here I could've used representations of:

  • White British men
  • Women
  • Syrian
  • Yemen
  • Aussies

I need to focus on camera angles and how they make the subject look, representation. For instance, young girl on front page of The Guardian, high angle shot = innocence. Aggressive image of tennis player = migration is bad?
Little diversity in both papers, despite one middle eastern girl in The Guardian, everyone else is white and British.

Question 3: 9/10
Highlight how both The Times and The Telegraph ask for you to pay as you read on online.
Archive of older articles, allows access to old news stories.
Links etc. make this accessible and portable.

Question 4: 2/10
Clay Shirk - there used to be a gap between producer and consumer of papers.
Now audience can interact, create, comment etc.
Citizen journalism
Fake news
Twitter, retweets circulation of real and fake news
Images of catastrophes come from members of public, witnesses. These images may not have been able to be seen by the press who would arrive much later, citizens onsite can text, take pictures, film the story.

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Newspaper Revision