Thursday 7 November 2019

Fruitgasm Advert and Reflection

Fruitgasm Advert

This advert depicts a series of middle aged working people, starting as sad and having a bad day, this energy drink is said to bring you up from a slump and ultimately make you feel happier and more successful, consequently making you more successful. There are a variety of messages within this video, claiming that with your drink you will be able to play sports, dance, laugh and be happy. Literally making your day brighter.
This took quite a while to come up with this idea, struggling on the story line of the advert as well as the logo and name of the product. Finally deciding on a style, story line, name and logo we took 2 days to record everything and edit within that.
For the beginning I turned the saturation of the picture down until it was black and white, I then added a blueish wash over it to further enhance the saddened genre I tried to create. As soon as the man drinks from the bottle, the colour is instantly turned on as well as the saturation is turned up slightly to make everything seem more vibrant and joyful. Combined with the upbeat, jolly song and fast paced dancing, a happy style is portrayed, consequential from the energy drink.

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