Thursday 21 November 2019

News Values

Key Term: Gate keeping
This is a term applied to the editing and filming process which controls information given out, censoring and changing the story to give limited information.

C - CONTINUITY: stories which continue and runs over a long period of time e.g. Brexit
U - UNAMBIGUOUS: clear, understandable
P - PERSONALISATION: what is the human industry
P - PROXIMITY: how close it is, abroad? same country?
T - THRESHOLD: how big is the news?
U - UNEXPECTEDNESS: how unusual is it?
N - NEGATIVITY: how negative is the news? Is bad news more popular?
E - ELITE PEOPLE/ PLACES: how important are the people/ place in the article

Daily Express - 20 Nov
This recent front page of The Daily Express shows all of these ideas. It explores the argument between two very important politicians who decide the future of England. It also informs about the Queen,

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