Friday 15 November 2019


Image result for theresa dismay

Newspaper name: The Sun

Name of Article: Theresa Dismay

Date: Friday 9th June 2017

Intended Audience:
This newspaper clearly votes away from Tories and uses a limited amount of words but relies more on pictures to put their point across. Resulting in an intended audience to be people from C and D group as they are more working class people who have less time on their hands consequently would rather read a less wordy newspaper.

What is the Article about:
This newspaper explores the problems with the recent Brexit scandal and the troubles with leaving the EU. It claims that Theresa May has done a terrible job as prime minister. This topic would mainly attract older people as they seem more interested with the troubles with politics than younger teens. However, the text to image ratio is low, indicating a lower class intended audience.
The tone of the whole article shows Theresa May as disgrace and embarrassing, failing to meet the countries demands of leaving the EU. The main image used on the front page is a large picture of Theresa May. This unflattering image show the bad side of May as she smiles awkwardly away from the camera, perhaps embarrassed or in shock. This shows Theresa May badly. Theresa May is shown to be a bad Prime Minister.

The Decline in Print Newspaper Circulations

A newspaper which is no longer printed is the The Independent which tried to not be left or right sided which ultimately got less sales. 
National Newspapers include The National, The Times, The Daily Mirror and many more.
The Independent has run out of money consequently, only being online. Newspapers which are more right wing are usually more popular. 
Mid-Market tabloids have had a steeper decline overall.   

1 comment:

  1. Good research! Complete the questions on DISMAY cover.


Newspaper Revision